Category development

TIL: stdObject custom string keys

Hi there!For quite some time I’ve been using objects in a wrong way. Every time after a json_decode, I was by inertia casting the returned stdObject into an array to use with some more “special” keys. The ones with special…

TIL: strtotime function

While researching the `setcookie` function, another one caught my eye. Apparently, instead of writing the time of expiration in unix seconds, you can use human-readable format, neatly parsed by strtotime() ! It for sure improves the readability of the code,…

What is Vagrant?

“What even is this thing, Vagrant?”, you might have asked yourself, while searching for information before stumbling on this post.Strap yourself, and enjoy the ride, while I try to explain this amazing piece of tooling :D! What does it solve?…

Hello world!

It’s-a me, Dragomir!, a blog about daily findings, curiosities and struggles within the vast world of php development and beyond. The goal of this website is to, bit by bit, improve the speed and comfort of development of readers, by…